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Gulfsands Recognises Heritage Potential

20th October 2012

Sustainability and capacity building are key drivers for the Ur Region Archaeology Project. We really want the project to deliver significant benefits for Iraqi archaeologists and to show the world just how important Iraq’s heritage is. So it is good news that Gulfsands Petroleum has made a donation to the project from its CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) budget. Gulfsands has a track record of supporting archaeology and is also a donor to Professor Giorgio Bucellati’s Urkesh Project (, which has provided a central platform for local people to create income generating opportunities as well as having heritage protection benefits.

Kenneth Judge, Director of Corporate Development and Communications at Gulfsands, considers that the heritage of Syria and Iraq has a key role in the future development of those countries. ‘We believe that heritage work promotes the exchange of skills and knowledge between international experts and local practitioners, and has a part to play in the re-building of southern Iraq’, he said. ‘It is all part of the return to normality and long-term sustainability - as well as being exciting!’

Project Director Jane Moon was delighted to have the chance to communicate the excitement of archaeology to an audience of Gulfsands staff in London recently. As well as an introduction to the archaeology of Iraq and to Tell Khaiber, the presentation included a demonstration of practical seal-rolling - using a modern replica seal, of course! ‘It was wonderful to meet the staff and to see how enthusiastic and interested they all were in the heritage of Iraq,’ Jane commented. ‘Some definitely want to visit the excavations, and all will be able to follow the discoveries virtually.’