Sustainability and capacity building are key drivers for the Ur Region Archaeology Project. We really want the project to deliver significant benefits for Iraqi archaeologists and to show the world just how important Iraq’s heritage is. So it is good news that Gulfsands Petroleum has made a donation to the project from its CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) budget. Gulfsands has a track record of supporting archaeology and is also a donor to Professor Giorgio Bucellati’s Urkesh Project (, which has provided a central platform for local people to create income generating opportunities as well as having heritage protection benefits.
Kenneth Judge, Director of Corporate Development and Communications at Gulfsands, considers that the heritage of Syria and Iraq has a key role in the future development of those countries. ‘We believe that heritage work promotes the exchange ...
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What are we doing at Goodrich Castle? Apart, that is, from enjoying the wonderful scenery of the Wye Valley on the Welsh Border. Well, with only three months to go before we start excavations at Tell Khaiber we have begun testing some of our equipment to iron out any glitches and to ensure it functions as it should before we get to Iraq. Photography is an important part of recording what we find and one of the problems we always have is how to take good elevated shots of an archaeological site and its excavated buildings. Photographic towers are difficult to move around and position for the best photograph, while helicopters can be ordered up only once in a while! Our solution is to use a nine metre telescopic pole with a digital camera on top, connected by cable ...
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